John 3:3 (Outro)

  Whether a person be white, black, red, or yellow I can respect them if they went from one stage in his/or her's life to the next. Historical figures such as Malcolm X and others have accomplished this in their lifetime. In The Bible there is a book by the name of John. In the third verse of the third chapter Jesus is talking to Nicodemus in which he says "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God." Throw your LOL or LMFAO at me if you want. Every so often do I write about my spiritual existence or my religious views. Each and everyone of us needs God. Our choice to admit this is up for grabs.  

  Believe it or not I have been born again. At one stage of my life I was a kid who followed others and wanted the gadgets and devices that they had.  Than I was a social misfit during my teenage years. College arrived and I transformed myself into a sophisticated intellectual on the rise. Whenever you want to find a prime example of self-transformation my story can be used. From the first chapter to the current one that's being written.    

  As individuals we all have different stories to tell. Those who want to hear can grab some popcorn and hit the recline button. Those that don't even want to bother with the intro can leave during the trailers. There needs to be a certain level of respect for the narratives of others. Disagreeing is one thing, but disrespect should never be tolerated.    

  In the years of 2009-2013 I attended Bronxwood Preparatory Academy High School. During these precious fours years there was a man by the name of Mr. Styles. Mr. Styles was more than the school's dean. He was like a voice reason for students who lived in places like Edenwald, 174, 219th Street, and Highbridge. Styles wanted us to reach higher than entertainers and athletes. One day I was in Summer School and Styles was covering for a teacher that was out. What topic came up? I don't remember. Why did it come up? I don't know. Being as direst as possible Styles said "we need to understand that the world is much bigger than the hood." No matter what wrong Styles would ever commit during the following Senior year I would always respect him.    

  Going beyond our area codes should always be the way to go. My favorite sneakers to wear as a teenager were Nike Air Force-1's. Those same Air Force-1's traveled from BPA (Bronxwood Preparatory Academy High School) all the way down to BMCC (Borough of Manhattan Community College) on Chambers Street. Although my journey to want more and do more isn't done yet I will always be proud of the progress that was made.      

  This page is for the young single mother's who want to receive their GED's to better the lives of their children. This page is for those young men of color that are coming out of prison who want to reform themselves. This page is for that introverted boy or girl that are struggling to find their voice. This page is for generations to come. Genie's and fairies don't exist in this world , so whatever goals we set have to be accomplished by us as individuals.    


Malcolm Darius Montgomery (MOD)

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